Monday 7 December 2015


We must cleverly understand what is at stake in controlling the mind .Insanity  is worst thing  that can happen to an individual as a result of non controlling of the  mind . Collectively, non-control  of  mind may lead to the downfall of an entire  civilization, how ever prosperous or stateless it may appear   to be. There  are many  other lesser  misfortunes  that  directly or indirectly issues from non-controlling of mind.

                                       Non-control of mind  effectively   obstructionist trough  internal conflict .Even under the most favorable circumstances he will not realize his potential or fulfill expectations ts integration of personality .A person of  uncontrolled mind will always have a tendency  to abnormal envelopment or to mental disinter
                             one who has no control over his mind can not have peace of mind .One who has no peace of mind .One  who has no peace of mind how can he haven happiness?  a victim  of passions, emotions and tensions ,he may develop obstinate mental maladies or turn  into  a criminal .If he is head of house hold , indiscipline  , disorder , delinquency,and wretched hum man relationship leading  to family mis fortunes are likely to prevail
                                               In an Indian maximum it is said : a man may have received the grace of GOD, of the  teacher and of holy men; but if he does not have the grace of his own mind he will go to rack and ruin.Having the grace of one's  own mind means having controlling of it
                                               On the positive side , at its highest ,trough controlling of mind one can attain spiritual illumination . short  of there are many other blessings of  life attainable through control of mind .A controlled mind can easily be concentrated .Trough concentration of mind one gains knowledge .And knowledge is power

Sunday 6 December 2015


It cannot be said that  we have no will to control the mind .The very fact that all of us  have our own inner struggles indicates that we have the will .But in most cases this will to control the mind is not very strong.

Our will to control the mind can never be strong until and unless we have deliberately and irrevocably  rebounded pleasure  as one of the main pursuits of our life.The canker which eats away the  vitality of our will to control the mind is the pursuit of pleasure .It  is like this : if you have  a servant who is aware  that you depend on him  to procedure you  illicit drugs and if you both enjoy the drug to gather , you cannot then control that servant.The same is the case  with the mind .The mind which we user for seeking pleasure and pleasure  and enjoying pleasure, we can never control  until we give up seeking pleasure .Even after giving up the pursuit of pleasure it will not be easy to control it for the mind will always have past incidents  to cite  to embarrass us.The strength of our will to control and  the mind will be in proportion to the pursuit of pleasure .Unless the pleasure -motive is over come,no matter What else we  do, we can never perfectly control the mind .The derivative of this truth is that  those who are reluctant to renounce the pleasure -motive are not sincere  enough  the pleasure  - motive  are not sincere enough in waiting  to control their minds, what ever their professions.

By  renunciation  of the purist of the pleasure is not  meant renunciation of the purist of the joy .By pleasure is meant the enjoy meant  of seance -pleasure or the gratification arising from what  sir Ramakrishna  calls the "UNRIPE EGO"  ,both of which obstruct  the attained of joy or bills .It is by going beyond pleasure and pain that one one attains joy or bills, which is the very goal of life .There is no equation of giving up the desire for joy  or bills, for it is integral to us  our real nature being Existence-knowledge -Bills. about  the method of overcoming  the pleasure   motive  some thing  will be said in the next section. opposites  sometimes look alike .Two types of persons do not have inner struggle;  those who have become unquestioning  slaves of their lower nature , and those .all  others  inner struggles , which are the lest result of inadequate or unsuccessful attempts  at controlling the mind .The most  importing thing is to strengthen the will to such a degree that even in the face  of repeated  failure  we are not disheartening ;rather , that with every new failure to control  the mind we are  roused to fresh endeavors with new enthusiasm.
Now  how do we strengths this will  to control the mind?We have to remove the cause of weak sens of will .and we have to inject strengths in to  it by ensuring the presence of suitable causes.

No dought some  of us  have struggle with our minds but we have to faced repeated failures. so  we have  come  to believe  that controlling  the minds  is not  for us.

Saturday 5 December 2015


In this theme , the mind and its control, we are all deeply interested , in a very personal way,  for nothing affects us individually more than our own minds .we knows some thing about the subject . all of us try to control our  minds , but we should like to know more and more do better

who can help us in this regard? Only those who have perfectly controlled their own minds .What we any learn from such sources we shall present here as a system of simple disciplines

Control of the mind is a very interesting inner game.If you have  a sportsman's attitude you will thoroughly enjoy,even while apparently losing the playing, this game takes a great deal of skill,alertness,seance of humor,goodness of heart,sense of strategy,patience and some heroic flair which makes it possible not to get dis heartened in the face of  a hundred failure.

sir Krishna was explaining in the git ha how the supreme state yoga was to be attained . after moistening to him Arjuna said to the lord in under stand able despair:be characterized by perfect evenness of mind,I do not see how it can endure,because of the restlessness of the mind.The mind ,o Krishna,is restless,turbulent,powerful and obstinate.obstinate. To control the mind is a hard ,it emcees to me,as to control the wind  i listened to this representative complaint of man and gave a reply important for all men of all times . All Indian thinking and practice on mind-control are largely based on this teaching of sir Krishna. He.He said 'Undoutabtedly,OArjuna,the mind is restless and hard to control.But by practiced dispassion it can be controlled  from this conversion we know three basics facts about mind-control:
1]That it has always been an exasperatedly difficult  task enforce heroic persons of the stature of Arjuna
2] That  yet it is possible to control  the mind 
3]that there are well-defined methods for controlling the mind
In these  two words ,ABHYASA &VAIRAGYA practice and dispassion ,sirkrisna gave the whole secrecy of controlling the mind
we shall quite here a dialogue between sri Ramakrishna and  a devote , in which the former emphasizes a fundamental point which every one need to remember:
sir Rama Krishna  "DONN'T sit idle simply because your spiritualistic consciousness had been a wakened  a little .Go foreword ,Beyond the forest of sandal-wood there are other and more are valuable things -silver-mines,gold-mines and so on"